Queer & Autistic Caffeine Addict

caught the covid plague

after successfully avoiding covid for more than three years, i caught the damn virus at the end of june.

we are slated to meet on 16th of june. i had to meet her; she tendered her resignation and the possibility of not seeing her again (and getting into each other's pants), at this time of writing, is 100%. prior to our meetings, both of our covid test are always negative since we both took extra precautions. thus, our weekend debauchery started. the hotel we stayed at was not up to standards, and the air conditioning system was bad. i had to rely on public transportation to get to and fro bukit bintang; and i had to visit the crowded pavilion mall on satuday since it's the only place around that area where i can activate my standard chartered debit card. by sunday, she wasn't feeling well, and she had fever on the way to the airport. i checked out from the hotel on monday morning, my throat felt like sandpaper. i developed a fever that night.

she texted me again on tuesday, saying she got better and her covid test negative. my initial test was negative as well, so we both assumed that it's just a normal fever. i felt slight improvement in the coming days, unfortunately on saturday i felt like i got hit by a truck, and my mother fell ill. i took the nasal swab test again, and i was covid positive.

my mother tested positive as well, but my sister tested negative. the burden of household chores fell on her shoulders as my mother and i went into isolation. i had no money in my bank account, and i was desperate; i needed money for paracetamol, isotonic drinks, vitamin c and more test kits. i posted a call for help on my instagram story and to my surprise, more than ten friends came forward to help me. in the midst of my woes and poverty and unemployment, i still have friends who wanted to help. maybe they're not in a position to give me jobs, but small things like food or meds, they're willing to spare some cash so that i will get better, and for that i am really grateful (my rich friends didn't help, just wanna put it here. they just watched my instagram stories and live their rich ass lives).

upon knowing that i contracted covid and infected my mother, she constantly checked on me. she got in touch with all the folks she had contact with, and all of them are not sick and with negative covid test. she doesn't have to, we are only casually sleeping with each other, but nevertheless i'm thankful that she checked in. maybe she felt guilty? i don't know. technically if i didn't see her on that weekend, i wouldn't caught the virus in the first place. but it's inevitable; despite me double masking everywhere i go, the rest of the malaysian population doesn't give a shit about taking covid precautions anymore. everywhere i went nowadays, i can safely say 90% of folks stopped wearing masks.

i tested negative (but still feeling under the weather) on my seventh day of isolation. unfortunately my sister tested positive in the same day. she went into isolation while my tired post-covid ass shoulder the burden of household chores. my mother tested negative two days later; and thankfully for my sister she didn't get bad fever like both of us did, and she tested negative on her fifth day of isolation.

at the moment things go back as usual around the house; just a little bit slower since we're recovering. now that the fucking government removed the masks mandate in hospitals and public transportation, the fear of getting another infection lingers in my head. on the day that my test was positive, malaysia had 400 plus covid case; klang valley being the highest. and that's only the reported case; my pessimistic ass assumed the number is at least double that, that's why i caught it despite taking all the precautions.

we were talking a little bit on text and my last text to her was on 29th june; on my sixth day of isolation. she left me on seen and did not respond ever since. maybe she's busy? maybe it's her adhd? i don't have the answers. we are not exclusive and we are just having fun, but like i said on my previous post, this kind of thing never last. at this time of writing i accepted the fact that maybe she ghosted me; which is okay. i'm not entitled to anyone or anything. she's been very kind to me and i wished her all the best and hopefully she'll get to find a new job soon.

fuck you covid. you destroyed my family financially and now you wanna get into my system? fuck you. fuck you very much.

"there are plagues, and there are victims, and it's the duty of good men not to join forces with the plagues"

-- albert camus