Queer & Autistic Caffeine Addict

eat the rich

i opened my fridge and saw half a dozen of eggs. i was hungry, i took one so that i could eat it with my instant noodle. there's 5 eggs left. 5 eggs left for the whole family and there isn't anymore in the fridge.

back in october 2021, a partner of a friend passed away due to complications from cervical cancer; which prompted me to re-activate my instagram account. it feels good to re-connect with friends and not be a hermit, isn't it?

but my rich friends.. i guess the covid-19 pandemic didn't teach them anything.

L's death reconnected us all once again. covid restrictions was relaxed and we hung out. we were talking about our pandemic struggles when C blurted out "i don't think people are struggling, look at this mall, it's full of people!"

hey rich kid. where the fuck will malaysians go since fucking klang valley is fucking filled with malls? how dare you. how dare you said malaysians are not struggling, when i am sitting right in front of you, your own fucking friend, struggling to put food on the table and pay bills until today. how fucking dare you. so basically all your generosity pre-covid was just for show? so that every fucking one in the world knows how great and awesome you are? get off your fucking rich high horse and touch a fucking grass.

of course i didn't say that to her. what good will it do if we ended up fighting? she'll still be rich and ignorant and i will go back home and face the realities of my life alone.

those rich friends (not acquaintances) that saw my instastories, saw my struggles, saw my call for help; every single one of them went quiet. back in september 2022, one of them rich friends told me to print my resume and go to klcc convention centre for a job fair that weekend. i told her my family ran out of rice (which is a staple in asian household) and if i have money now i would buy rice, not go to a job fair. she didn't get the hint.

if you rich fuckers can't help that's okay, just leave me alone and don't tell me what to do. i know what to do. i know how to get myself out of this rut but unfortunately it requires money, opportunities and connections; the very thing that y'all rich fucks have that i don't. i have nothing.

so i went back to eating my instant noodle, wishing i'm eating the rich instead.

"in a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. in a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of"

-- confucius