Queer & Autistic Caffeine Addict

pretty privilege

a friend told me that i am good looking, and for a 40 years old, i aged well.

that was really nice of them to say that but the truth is i don't know how to deal with that compliment.

i never had "pretty privilege" growing up. i am visibly masculine presenting ever since i'm 10 years old; the world was a cruel place when you're not a girly girl.

there's a certain disadvantages being masculine presenting, one of them is employment roadblocks which i had until today. if i'm only good looking / beautiful to a certain segment of the society then pretty privileges doesn't apply to me. i had been rejected from jobs just from the way i presented myself and i'm sure not many of my friends can relate (especially my beautiful, feminine presenting friends)

nevertheless, i thank my friend for the compliment. i'm thankful for the health and the clear skin complexion; and even though i have nothing now, i'm thankful for all the little help i could get.

"paulette: is she as pretty as you?
elle: she could use some mascara and some serious highlights, but she's not completely unfortunate looking"

-- legally blonde