Queer & Autistic Caffeine Addict

the malady of human heart

previously published on facebook, december 2015

i was involved with a near-death accident on the 30th september 2015.

i suffered from intercranial bleeding, retrograde amnesia, and high fever that lasted a couple of weeks after the stitches was off. i was in and out of the hospital for the whole month of october, and my car died a tragic death.

but this is not the point of this note.

i get to meet the guy who saved my life for lunch today. according to him on the day of the accident, he wasn't supposed to be on that side of the city because he missed two turns to putrajaya. so he opted to drive to work via cyberjaya instead.

his name is Wan.

since i did not remember what happened, this is his side of the story.

the accident happened just a few hundred meters from limkokwing. he was driving, he saw my car in a distant. behind my blue kelisa was a white van, driving suspiciously after me. the next thing he saw was my car spinning and hitting a tree by the roadside.

his conscious caused him to stop by and see what was happening. he had a nagging feeling that the white van nudged my car behind, thus causing the accident. according to him, i did drive properly and the white van was drafting dangerously behind me.

out came a druggy-looking guy from the white van, inspecting my blue kelisa with me still inside it; unconscious and bleeding.

Wan and his assistant came to the car immediately. they both saw that i was bleeding, so they peeled the door a little bit and pulled me out of the car. the druggy-looking guy just watched. in the process, Wan was injured and a shard of glass lodged in his palm.

i saw the golf-ball sized swell in the inside of his hand during lunch. he said not to worry because he had a doctor's appointment the next day.

anyway, after they both took me out of the car; Wan looked furiously for my phone, but it was nowhere to be found. he asked me to calm down and asked for a phone number.

he said i mumbled a bunch of numbers, 3 times in a row. he managed to dial the number, and the call got through to my mother.

my mother can only get there in 15 minutes. that's a long time to wait, said Wan. he dialed 999 and an ambulance from putrajaya hospital picked me up in 5 minutes.

druggy-looking guy:"lu sudah settle dengan dia, lu call gua ah" (when you settled with her, you call me)

Wan:"apa lu mau? ini gua punya adik" (what do you want? she is my sister)

the druggy-looking guy walked away.

the ambulance came. Wan managed to snatch my drawstring bag (inside is my wallet) and hauled it into the ambulance.

he left the scene after the ambulance left.

my mother sends a reconnaissance team to the accident site while she blazed her volkswagen all the way to putrajaya hospital. when my sibling arrived, everything was eerily calm. all my personal belonging had been stolen.

fast forward seven hours later, and i woke up in the emergency room bed while a doctor stitching my head.

i came up with a million ways to seek vengeance, but the only thing that save the druggy-looking guy was that Wan did not pay attention to his van registration number. his only concern was saving me.

the fucked up thing is that, he is still out there. he will do it to someone else who drives alone. he will purposely caused an accident and steal their belongings. he, soon enough, will pay for his sins.

"and now,' said the unknown, 'farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! i have been heaven's substitute to recompense the good - now the god of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!"

-- Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo